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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 8th, 2024

  • yes, and no, desire drives a king to attack it’s neighbour, but is it also desire that enlists the soldier? Maybe the soldier has desire for things het could not morally do at home, maybe they had to go to war to got war because he had bills to pay, is it more moral to kill if you think you have no choice? Is it moral to kill if the outcome of not kill would result i that guy still dying but also yourself, 2 ded?

    like bro, i agree 100 with your sentiment. But i think that actually people are animals, they will always, on average, do wathever the fuck they feel like doing, good people exist but majority be majoritying. And people who look to please not god(society, thy neighbour, your fellow human, etc) but only seek to please oneselve will always have an advantage in any system.

    so basicaly, exactly what you already said. But i hate that it is no fucling nihilstic, so everyone is just shit then? And if i find my supposed counter-jewel in the rough, then run of together and forget about my brother, society, my human kin, then i am literally just as bad.

    like i like to believe everyone should have the duty to do all that he can do for anyone. But southpark, society, reality showed me, i could also just get shot and that would be the end of it. Even worse, my death could cascade and cause my child to follow the same path, and he could also just get shot, go crazy, lose all joy in life, and for what? For a fucking cause that is so fucking simple that one would almost get the feeling there is some global bamboozle going on. "No one should go hungry, no one should go cold, if you see someone who cannot fullfil this duty to the world, do your duty to the world "

    i left out no shooting each other, no stealing, no rape etcetcetc because i think it could be obvious with a little bit of do treat em like you should yourself. But hey, im just a schizo these days, because my capitalist gains go op i hate myself 24/7 for not immediately fixing all the problems, when a nice girl ask me how i am doing i tell em about how our goverment be shooting child as we speak, about how i will never be able to have children because it will be impossible to sustain them emotionally with my 60 hour job, how fucked up it is public transit drivers gotta protest a whole year for a fucking pee brake and some fucking respect.

    so yeah, fighting nhilism every day. Wish i could love myself a little and by result become an animal. Animals do get more sex tho, so who knows

  • to add, the way classes and influence is structered and also because of many individual fear people have of change makes it harder again, but to counter that, i believer there are rich people that could and want to make a change, you just have to inspire them. So basically, be good at all the capitalistic virtues, advertising, stats, bullshittery, you must also still have enough soul to inspire your investors. to conclude, start local things -> marketing -> investor -> resist temptation -> better world?. Investor could also be your onl4fans following. But then again, that southpark episode about the japanese toilets

  • I think he was hinting that maybe at the end of the day given a democratic system we will always be fighting ourselves, only 2 parties blah blah blah, if the majority wanted to have it different it would be different, . While yes consequences, like you said would bad for humanity as a whole, the individual on average does not care enough. what happened to going door to door to have a conversation, bring something good to the neighbourhood practises, yes because capitalism it is xxxtra hard, but we do it not because it easy, but because it might actually change something. So both of you fuckers arr xxtra right, just not talking aboot the same aspect.

  • “Nobody is entitled to your words or actions or time”. I ofcourse do not know the full context but that sounds like the porogative of the person the main post is about.

    When marching to a just victory be aware of the trail you leave.

    I have force quite relationships by pressing x goodbye and i have stopped talking to people. I only regret the force quit cuz i also coulda just not talked to him for a while and he could return someday.then there wouldn’t even be any stress.

    there are times and places for people also tries to convey die or nothing mentalities may close doors, only to satisfy the need to be recognised.

  • that is always my instinctual reaction too and why i was harsh in my reply to her, however i recognise it is much more complicated than that.

    again why someone tries to remind you of their birthday can be because of many reasons. Maybe it is a male, and you are the only person that remembered it last year and accidentally he let fear take a hold of the keyboard. Maybe it is someone that is always used to getting best wishes and let audacity take hold of their keyboard.

    It is spoken expectations that sour a relationship, but fulfilling unspoken expectations is a the relationship.

    when you expect people to not break contact you might not be compatible with people who expect that they can come and leave.

    But it is okay to have different types of expectations for different people.

    It is okay to adapt to someone elses unspoken terms somtimes, you will find that many beautifull people can be very hard to communicate with.

  • I would say that there can be many reasons for a persons absence in you life. But in this absence we can also see our own fears.

    I am literally slightly ignoring someone whose uncanny birthdy is today. A person from the comments said it. some people reduce their circle when it gets tough. For me, i find it hard to be person right now. Every single day is the make or break of my life. Massive debt, constant house of cards feeling.

    I recieved a message, she said it’s her birthday. I look at my personal calender, i reply, yes it is, what you want me to do about it.

    I was rude. I know that someone really cares and it’s her birthday even, why not just be nice?

    Then again if someone is willin to force quit a friend just because they are absent is just having trust issues. And as someone who is still my best friend to this day once said. “you don’t just throw this away.”

  • my controller may be old, but i only pay 20 thousands eurodogs for a board support pckage ,per user per ip per nation per year. I dont even pay for their eclipse ide! C is the laand of free fuck yeah! My debug partner is compatible with only 200 euro per flexcable. Don`t tell em my debrugs parnter is not oem spec🐵.