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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Do you want those people who can’t even make an account here anyway? Lol
    In all seriousness, SSO is a thing and maybe the devs are already looking into it. Google, Facebook. Git, and more all have ways to sign in to services for you. I wouldn’t vote to use them given the ideals of why people are moving to these platforms, but if someone wants to use their apple account to sign in here and that makes it easy for them. I’d be happy for it’s implementation.

  • I think from Google’s perspective they don’t want another chat app. They are fine if apple keeps iMessage. They want apple to use RCS standard as a fallback for iMessage when someone doesn’t use an iPhone. The benefit being rich text messaging for all. It won’t affect apple users except by making the experience better for everyone.

    I personally use android and text my 8 friend who use android with RCS. There are some awesome things you can do with it, but for ease of talking with my co-workers and other family, I use bluebubbles to use iMessage on Android. The issue is that not everyone has a Mac to use this. Overall I think apple is going to apple.