Companies would rather cut their noses of in the end of a quarter, to claim a weight loss, than do something that would spell positive results for its lifetime…
Companies would rather cut their noses of in the end of a quarter, to claim a weight loss, than do something that would spell positive results for its lifetime…
Yup, that’s my experience as well.
I recently had the misfortune of trying to fix a problem on my kids windows computer and it’s striking the difference between Linux and windows forums.
A Linux forum:
“RTFM but here’s four commands that will fix your problem plus fix a bunch of things you didn’t even know you had a problem with”
A windows forum:
"My name is Mr Anderson and has been awarded high quality question answerer three years running plus best cut lawn by the HOA. I am not affiliated in any way with Microsoft so don’t go running to them if you mess up your computer.
Here is fifty eleven things to click on that is highly dependent on the language set on the computer and which is likely changed by Microsoft since I wrote this. The instructions are also highly general and in no way specific for your actual problem."
And the extra costs to support a feature I never use.
Exactly who knows!?
But in all seriousness, considering how large the company seems to be with outsourcing and multiple internal levels of support, it sounds like a juicy target both for ransomware and industrial espionage.
With deep fakes all around you can’t really trust a phonecall just because you believe that you recognise the voice 😉😆
I like the malicious compliance but I find that to be a bad way to do a poll. Better would have been one comment with the text “Upvote if you want John Oliver pics, downvote if you want it to go back to normal”.
The way they did it if one group only upvote their alternative and the other also downvotes the opponent then the result isn’t representative. Or at least could be claimed not to be.
This is due to a murder that happened at an IKEA a couple of years ago. The murderer used knives from the department store.
I wish, I really liked G+. My sharing is based on common interests, not relationship.
People who believe that adhd meds are addictive have apparently never met someone with ADHD.
Saknar en del av mina subreddits, hfy tex är rätt svårt att ersätta, men vad gör man liksom. Det får vara så här. Jag saknar i övrigt även Google+ fortfarande. Sättet att dela saker i mina olika cirklar av vänner beroende på deras intresse än funkade väldigt bra för mig.
Kebab är bra i alla lägen, min favoritsallad också.
Här är förresten en enskild ica-handlare som bojkottar:
Säljer ut deras produkter och ger pengarna till välgörenhet.
Jepp, framförallt att det är ett öppet nätverk som inte är kontrollerat av något enskilt företag. Det är så här internet ska fungera, inte ha alla äggen i en korg.
Very interesting. I know growing up I had much more luck convincing someone that I was telling the truth when I was lying than when I was actually lying.
Tackar, blir intressant att se om det här tar fart eller ej.
From a business standpoint I would never want to hire that accountant. If he openly talks about employees that way and being a bad customers to others he would probably also be a very bad supplier.