Haha oooooh okay, no worries, consider my heart mended!
Just a little note about the word “model”, in the article it’s used in a way that actually includes the weights, and I think this is the usual way of using it! If you change the weights, you get a different model, though the two models will have the same structure.
Anyway, you make good points!
This article got me to play it, really cool game, I’m impressed by how much it does with quite little. It does feel like there’s some secret I haven’t figured out despite replying it, so haha I really want to get my friends playing it so I can spawn ideas about it!
I have nothing against old school graphics, I love anything that looks awesome, no need to break my heart like that!
I bet they do, but they can’t have them because they look waaaaay to good to give away!
I don’t know of any studies unfortunately, but I did want to point out that training is not quite a one time cost in practice, because training has already been done loads times and is still being done! I’m theory, if we stopped training all AI and just kept the ones we have, then indeed the training cost would be bounded just like you say, I’m just afraid we’re quite far from that.
Yeah, and I really hope we get those carbon tariffs in place despite China’s complaints!
I never meant to say that data does not have value, it definitely tells a country how they could best reduce emissions, like in your example by improving the cleanliness of manufacturing products that are exported.
It does not say how sustainably a specific country is operating (or the EU in this case). If you move manufacture abroad e.g. where it’s made with less clean energy so it emits more, when counting local emissions this still counts as an emission reduction. It doesn’t matter if it’s easier to compute if it’s wrong, and it seems to be entirely the wrong statistic to use for this article.
I don’t know for sure, but I think most products are not usually made in the country they are sold, but I haven’t seen data of proportions. I don’t trust that it’s a decent proxy just because some people gut feeling tells them it is. Data on consumption based emissions exists, and it should be used.
Ahh I’m worried that this might sound better than it actually is, why would anyone not use consumption-based emissions when talking about this? That’s the only way to tell if we’ve actually made the changes necessary to become sustainable or if we’ve just exported enough production abroad to pretend we have. Counting only emissions within the EU is ridiculous.
Are you sure it wasn’t “brzeczyszczykiewicz” (difference in last two letters)? Otherwise it seems like a little typo, which, to be fair, would be a good idea to keep it safe from Polish people haha
I had tickets for this quarter final, I thought it wouldn’t be so exciting when I first saw the matchup, but boy was I wrong! Wildest series of quarters, I’m so happy I went!
Ah haha sorry, but yes it’s indeed deleted for me now too!
I think you might be confusing this game with Outer Worlds, very similar title but very different game! I would recommend Outer Wilds to almost anyone who like exploration, discovery, mystery (with SPACE on top) but haha maybe that’s not what you meant to ask
I’ll express my last bit of disagreement with your reasoning and then I’ll probably leave this argumentation, but I will read if you choose to respond. This is not what cost means, you are basically saying that your gut tells you it should be cheaper without any supportive arguments. If e.g. the train requires more energy to run faster, that alone could make it more costly, even if it has a higher capacity. Since neither one of us seems to have idea of the actual costs of running trains, I don’t think we’ll get anywhere with this!
Is it really? Because that claim goes against my intuition so if it’s true I would be happy to get more details! But what you say doesn’t quite make sense to me, sorry if I seem pedantic: transporting people faster is not the same as transporting more people. You transport more people per unit time, but not necessarily in total. I also don’t see how faster trains need less staff. When you say it’s cheaper, do you also take into account investment cost, or do you neglect those and just mean operating costs?
I don’t disagree with you, I didn’t mean to say that there’s no way of HSR being good, just that maybe we’re not doing it quite right! Maybe just fixing pricing would be possible, I don’t know what. I also don’t know if they actually got rid of the old tracks or just of the train route. I just want both HSR and the old trains back haha!
That’s really a great article, thanks for the link!
Still, there’s plenty of criticism in the article I linked that is not touched on, I hardly think it becomes irrelevant by reading Jon Worth’s writing! Even with his proposals I’m really not sure if we would get back the cheap and still relatively fast connections that have been removed. To me there’s not a clear benefit to getting rid of the old “low-speed” rail even if we fix SNCF.
So the article is very long so let me TL;DR a little. It mentions that when high speed rail is build, existing low-speed rails are often removed. Those removes routes are a little slower but often MUCH cheaper. I would say, like the author, that more expensive trains that are a little faster doesn’t rhyme well with “let people go fast”. He also has examples of night trains being removed in favour of a high speed rail, which hardly is a time-save if you count sleeping at night! Great examples in the article.
High speed rail doesn’t have to hurt low-speed rail, it just has the way we’ve been doing it in Europe.
Wow this is incredibly cool…!!