• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • For anyone just kinda happening across this post and not sure what’s being talked about, this is related to the stock market.

    Basically, it’s possible for large hedge funds to create and even sell “phantom” AKA counterfeit shares - and then when someone calls them on the fraud, they can just kinda say, “Whoops! Our bad! We’re just going to reverse the whole deal and pretend it never happened. :)”

    There’s more in-depth info at this website here - which isn’t very pretty or expensive/professional by any means, but is well-sourced and straight-forward.

  • If the bulls win, then GameStop continues to provide value to customers –– and potentially enters into emerging markets like NFTs (positive sum).

    I think it could be effectively argued that it’s far, far, far bigger and important than merely that.

    On one hand we have truth, honesty, fairness, transparency, delight, and general good-will - the bulls.

    On the other hand, well… the opposite of all those ideas/concepts - the bears.

    Do the “good guys” always win? Well, no - not really. Nevertheless, the bulls really, really need to win at this point in time and history. The planet and all the people and other inhabitants on it, more so now than any other time in all of humankind - due to sheer population and power concentration and associated groupthink and associated incestuous ideation & leadership - need a sort of cataclysm and explosion of what the bulls represent.

  • That the Superstonk mods don’t allow mention of “lemmy” OR make their own lemmy instance SPEAKS VOLUMES AND VOLUMES AND VOLUMES ABOVE AND BEYOND ANY OTHER BULLSHIT.

    Truly, there’s so much back and forth and bullshit floating around it’s really hard to filter and discern much… but that Lemmy isn’t advocated for and that they haven’t created a “Superstonk Lemmy” tells you everything you fucking need to know.

    Edit: on a slightly different note: the more people DMing people on Reddit about Lemmy the better. It takes little to no effort and can make a big difference if everyone reading now just DMs a few people each day about Lemmy.