The three dots floating button and then Community info.
The three dots floating button and then Community info.
If you like smoothness and swipieness then you need to try Summit (Android).
Works great!
One more thing, when we change sort, from top to new for exemple, the app should scroll to the top of the list by itself. Right?
Btw, how on earth did you make the app so smooth, its a fantastic experience!
Yes, I’m using 3 button navigation. Thanks!
I have a weird glitch when swiping a photo away when navigation bar is visible. If I tap the photo to go full screen first and then swipe to close it I get a smooth and nice animation.
Vänta nu, exporterar vi inte mer än vi importerar?
Can anything be done about the laggy scrolling? It’s the only thing holding me back from using it. Exynos s22u.
Edit: FYI, I cleared cache and data and it’s much better now!
It’s also in the sidebar.
Slide, love swipe to go back and back button opens drawer. But it’s buggy and some many things don’t work yet.
Quick Cursor: Makes it easier to use large smartphones with one hand.
It might feel busy for some but that’s because you see it for the first time. When it’s on your phone, you see it like 50 times a day you realize that you got so much information at a glance.
Or maybe you need to be an old WP user to appreciate it 😁
Avanza Gobal har bara 0,09% i avgift. Bör väl vara rätt okej? Typ samma bolag som övriga globalfonder på listan.
Sync, fantastic app.
Tack för påminnelsen! Ska installera Linux på Windows laptopen i helgen, då blir det perfekt med mat från Sibylla också.