Iwishiwasntthisway [none/use name]

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • I saw a video a couple of months ago that was so horrid.

    A girl was dying after being bombed. her brain was exposed. Her fingers were twitching independently but entirely from the metacarpal joint, in a way that couldn’t have been voluntary.

    It was filmed by the father, the translation revealed that he was chatting with emergency services via video, where he was basically told there was nothing they could do, that she would be dead before they got there.

    At one point, she seemed to come out of trance and touch her own brain, to which the father desperately said “nononono” - a familiar sound for anybody with a toddler, when they pull the cats tail or pick up a crystal champagne flute, only it was her grabbing her own brain, while the father was still holding onto to some hope she might live.

    Anyway, some hasbot showed up in the comments claiming he mutilated his own daughter in that fashion, filmed it, because he just hates Jews so much and wanted to make them look bad.

    No amount of limiting what I can see will get me to forget that moment. I have actually seen things that are objectively worse, like “the boy with no face”. But what I was seeing combined with what was being said changed me forever. I don’t think these people can even provide an adequate context because they are missing some human component necessary to lie effectively.

    If you cut off my internet access now and for forever, my opinion would be frozen in that place for the rest of my life. I would be shouting about hasbots in 50 years like a vietnam vet shouts about Charlie.