• 48 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 2nd, 2023

  • That sounds a bit contradictory but there’s an important details. Part of the accusation seems to be about picking winners, ie giving subsidies to specific companies rather than the sector as a whole.

    The anti-subsidy investigation has been intended to confirm the Commission’s allegations that manufacturers of battery electric vehicles (BEV) in China benefit from countervailable – i.e. specific and advantageous to the receiving companies – subsidies

    If that’s true then a tweak to subsidies might technically solve the issue without solving the EU-China competition balance issue.

    IMHO the EU should focus on carbon border tax, and on doing it quickly and efficiently. The idea is taxing import from countries that don’t tax pollution, or at least less than the EU does, to make competing companies subject to similar emissions tax/regulation.

  • Neat. I wish OpenSSH better support this use case. The instruction involve multiple moving parts on top of OpenSSH (s6-ipcserver, socat or custom scripts) and a number of extra options for the client. That probably adds overhead. It would probably be easier and more efficient if OpenSSH would directly support Unix sockets.

  • I’m interested into the technical details, not actual URLs. How come servers cited in the video keep hosting/seeding chatrooms despite closing corresponding accounts? Is this impossible due to Matrix’s design, or is it poor moderation from server admins?

    About URLs: the author is absolutely right to blur these. The only people he should be sharing this is police, or maybe admins if they’re not aware of the abuse on their server.

  • Don’t waste time trying to reason them. If you’re not able and willing and sue them to enforce the GPL license, the company won’t care.

    You should directly informe one of the organisations mentioned previously, they may have a lawyer and experience fighting this kind of fight.

    Best you can do youself is collect evidence that they’re distributing modified GPL software, and write a precise description of the issue, to help these organisations kickstart their investigation into the GPL violation.

  • Not surprising. If there’s a way for a non-admin user to use this, it means there’s probably a way for a non-admin process to access the data.

    Even if if were more secure, there’s probably plenty of ways for attackers to escalate privileges to admin.

    The bigger issue is Microsoft providing an official tool for snooping on user activity. Malware won’t have to install their own, and recall taking screenshots periodically won’t be considered anomalous behaviour since it’s an official Microsoft service.