I’m a big fan of hot drinks during the holidays. Hot toddies and mulled wine are both good, but my favorite is mulled apple cider with bourbon.
I use a couple cinnamon sticks, cloves, allspice, and nutmeg, thrown in a pot with about a 1/2 gallon of cider and heated without boiling for about an hour. Served in a mug with 1-2 oz of bourbon or other whiskey and garnished with apple and/or orange slices, plus half a cinnamon stick if you’re feeling fancy!
It’s 2 total terms. There’s no “resetting the clock” in that rule. Any attempt to remain in power for a third term would be blatantly unconstitutional.
That said, there’s a real concern that he’s likely to try anyway, and a non-zero chance that he’d succeed if he manages to fill enough of the government and military with people more loyal to him than to the constitution.