Hexagons [e/em/eir]

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • I’m trying to learn godot (because game dev seems pretty neat and it’s a kind of coding with lots of near-instant visual feedback, which I find appealing). It’s going well, pretty fun, I’m getting decent at reading the godot docs, everything is cool.

    Except. I’ve been using vim (and then later spacemacs) for like 15 years and godot doesn’t have a vim mode and it’s fucking killing me! How am I supposed to edit text without vim-like key bindings?! How the hell do people work like this?!

    If I’m going to seriously make games, even as a hobby, I need a solution and so far I haven’t found one. I think I may have to write a gdscript layer for spacemacs, but that’s not a great solution, for a couple of reasons.

    First, I have very little experience with emacs lisp. I’d have to learn more about the inner workings of emacs than I ever wanted to. And like, that’s cool and good, emacs lisp is neat and learning how to customize emacs is worthwhile, but I think it’ll be really hard and the final product will be far from perfect.

    Second, using an external text editor is going to break the workflow I’ve gotten pretty comfortable with, and also it would take up valuable screen space in a way that godot’s built in text editor doesn’t.

    I don’t know what to do. I was hoping I could maybe just live without vim key bindings. That worked for my first project (a flappy bird clone) because there wasn’t really that much code that needed writing (and editing afterwards). But as I’m now working on a real project that has me writing much more complicated and longer code that I’ve already had to refactor once, it’s become clear to me that just straight up isn’t going to work. It’s rage inducing to try to code in a modeless text editor.

    Anyway, if anyone happens to have any ideas about solutions I’ve missed, please do let me know!

  • I’m saying that if sufficient infrastructure exists then it’s fine to just ban SUVs entirely because they’re not necessary.

    I think I’m a big dumdum because I didn’t realize until literally this comment that this is the other, better, non-carbrained solution. I was over here like “so what, you just want people with SUV’s to decide of their own accord not to drive them into downtown because suddenly they realize they’re bad people for doing so? Never gonna happen.”

    But now that I see your much better idea, simply ban all SUVs from Paris, I’m entirely on board! I do think that’s going to be a harder law to pass than hiking parking fees, but it would definitely be a much better one!

  • Hexagons [e/em/eir]@hexbear.nettoClever Comebacks@feddit.ukScrooge.
    10 months ago

    zifnab’s comment has links to:

    • The Washington Post
    • A paper from Duke University
    • The Guardian

    These seem to me like sources that wouldn’t usually be prominent in facebook conspiracy theory groups.

    Can you please tell me what the issue is with zifnab’s comment? Why do you feel like the comment would be more at home in a facebook conspiracy theory group?