Gaywallet (they/it)

I’m gay

  • 148 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2022


  • Gaywallet (they/it)@beehaw.orgOPtoChat@beehaw.orgOn Tone Policing
    17 days ago

    Dropping this in the chat community because I’m not sure at this point whether it warrants a formal philosophy doc. Not opposed to cleaning it up and adding it to the documents in the future, but mostly wanted to address what happened recently in LGBTQ+ and make a few things as clear as possible

  • Just got back from EDC, which is the biggest EDM festival in the states. They had so much more DnB this year! I normally am fairly proud of the amount of exercise I get in, but I’m pretty sure I went even harder this year than any previous one. On one of the three days my watch said I spent 4.5 hours of the day with my heart rate in the fat burning zone and 7.5 hours in the cardio zone, netting me 7700 calories burned 😂 I averaged around 4 hours of sleep a night and about 1 meal a day so my body is definitely in recovery mode right now, hoping to get a solid night of sleep now that I’m home and hopefully the change of weather and scenery will help clear up the asthma. But I’m definitely feeling very grateful and fulfilled right now 🥰

  • I don’t think that someone’s behavior choice is comparable to their clothing choice

    I completely agree, but victim blaming across choices and especially towards women and POC individuals is part of the reason we have really shitty reporting of fraudsters. Creating an environment which discourages them from speaking up is harmful to society as a whole.

    everyone in this case is trying to take advantage of someone

    We don’t know this, and we shouldn’t assume this of the victim. I think it’s a reasonable hypothesis, but focusing on talking about the victim here when there are actors which are clearly out to harm or take advantage of others is harmful framing. If this is a discussion you wish to have, I personally believe the appropriate framing is necessary - we must acknowledge the existing structure of power and how it silences certain people and also blames them before talking about potentially problematic behavior. But even then, it’s kind of jumping to conclusions about the victim here and I’m not so certain it’s a discussion that should even be entertained.

  • Again, can we please not victim blame? Calling this a failure, saying that they must be “so shallow” to fall for a fame scam is analogous to saying “she was asking for it because of the way she was dressed” to a rape victim. Being a human is complicated and there are many reasons a victim can fall prey to a scam. It’s not as one dimensional as you’re painting it and regardless of how shallow a person is, no one deserves to be taken advantage of. The focus of discussion here should not be the victim, but rather the perpetrator and the fact that they are out to take advantage of others. That’s abhorrent behavior and we should keep the focus squarely on them.

  • I wonder if eventually we could sidestep the use of bactiophages and instead manufacture the microscopic structures themselves as sunscreen.

    There’s a good number of biological processes that are much simpler, cheaper, and require much less materials when the biological process is preserved. A good example of this is water cleaning/breaking down sewage with bacteria which give off methane which is also collected as fuel. Given that the main outcome here is sunscreen that doesn’t damage biology and it’s generally not that expensive to keep sustain life like this, it might make the most sense to simply leave it at production/farming of bacteriophages.