Everything is a subscription. It’s the dystopia we have created.
Everything is a subscription. It’s the dystopia we have created.
And property tax.
This is basically the story of how a scary number of serial killers became serial killers.
I’ve wanted to get into this and start doing long range stuff. NRL22 was my “cheap” hobby turned expensive.
I’ve been places on this planet where the police are obviously corrupt and a threat like this wouldn’t be unthinkable. Some of the people writing these scams probably have no frame of reference for what a reasonable threat would be in a place with less corruption.
I discovered this hack and I’m never buying a new vehicle ever again. I have a 25 yr old truck and a car nearly as old. On the car I’ve long since ditched the old head units to get bluetooth and Android Auto, cleaned up the minor surface rust on the frame and got a protective coating sprayed on, had the seats reupholstered, and upgraded brakes and suspension.
All that cost me less than a new car including the cost of the car and I didn’t have to either pay a massive lump sum all at once or go into debt to buy it.
No one in the US makes a good AK. Leave the NATO AKs to Poland and Bulgaria.
I say this as an American who owns two American-made AKs.
Sure. I think everything in that post and more can be found on Wikipedia, but does ChatGPT retain any information on a server after scraping data from sites or does it always just look it up upon being given a prompt?
I would think for the learning process they’d have to retain some data about prompts it has been given. I know there’s been issues with ChatGPT finding classified info about certain topics. If those sources are located and removed does that then deprive ChatGPT of the information?
We’re screwed at the moment because we do not have the manufacturing base that we used to have. We can and do outproduce most of the world when it comes to munitions in a time of peace, but we have a massive scalability problem because we’ve offshored so much manufacturing.
We used to be able to ask companies that produced mundane consumer goods to retool for producing war materials, but they don’t exist many places anymore. Much of our domestic manufacturing already produces for the defense industry and wouldn’t have enough tools to increase production much to meet demand.
We’ve seen the government take some steps to mitigate this in the electronics space by encouraging Taiwan Semiconductor and Intel to build more foundries stateside, but there’s a long way to go to solving the problem.
Really weird how much ChatGPT knows. I wonder how much comes from Lockheed’s public promotional material, and how much comes from sources that should not exist.
I have inside knowledge on this because I support[ed] production for a part of this system. I can’t divulge too much information obviously, but we can still manufacture ATACMS. The real issue is a lot of the components and manufacturing processes are terribly out-of-date so it’s questionable whether it’s worth it when the replacement is on the horizon.
Didn’t end up mattering, but I was worried everyone would put in a better last lap again
Checo should be on track
With NCD here I just need decent firearms and long range shooting communities and I’m set.
Modern society has really fucked us up. Only 200 years ago we could have all built our own houses and worked on improving our own properties rather than slaving away for a corporation’s profit.
Even if you want out you’re kinda screwed with the price of land most places. My wife and I have good careers, make pretty good money, and yet we still aren’t sure we could afford to start a simple homestead.