Molly is fantastic. Maybe someday I’ll be able to convince people to get on Matrix, but we’re not there yet. Plus there’s all of the metadata that comes along with using Matrix.
Molly is fantastic. Maybe someday I’ll be able to convince people to get on Matrix, but we’re not there yet. Plus there’s all of the metadata that comes along with using Matrix.
Yep, pretty much. It used to be doable, but these days it’s very difficult. It’s certainly not impossible, but one slipup and you could get on the deny list forever. It’s just not worth it, since emails are usually pretty mission critical, imo.
I would buy it. 🐧
Fedora CoreOS is meant to be just for containers if you want to go this route.
The “user” you’re responding to uses LLMs to generate comments. Look at their profile if you want to see what I mean.
Distrobox perhaps? Not sure about the android side of things. For true “sandboxing” something like docker is probably your best bet.
It should be noted that email servers, no matter the setup, require you to follow strict standards to achieve proper delivery. It’s very easy to get blacklisted, and it’s next to impossible to get off of said blacklist once you’re on it.
I used to host my own mail server with this, but it got to be too much to get my emails to actually send. I was always wondering if my email was actually delivered or if it was silently bounced or sent to spam. Email is the only thing I’m not willing to self host.
Both Proton and Tuta have almost all of those except for maps. For maps, just use Organic Maps or OsmAnd.
I use all of mine separately anyway, because I care about my privacy and it works better. Google products have become so enshittified and bloated that most alternatives are faster at this point.
“engage with substance as I post LLM slop with no substance at all”
Why are all of your comments from a bad LLM? Like, nearly all of them.
Step 1: Don’t use Google Calendar
These were also in Amazon’s failed “just walk out” store fronts. Ick.
I scrobble to Last.fm for recommendations, but I’m not sure you can get DRM free without maintaining your own library.
It’s my favorite way to shower. I don’t know if it’s my ADHD or what, but it’s super relaxing, one of the few times I can actually feel that sensation.
I hate to be a bummer, so if that’s not something you want to read about, skip over this one.
My week has been rough.
My sweet budgie is starting to show her age. On Sunday, I ended up taking her to the emergency avian vet almost 2 hours away because she was straining to poop and not eating very much. After a rough 5 hour wait, the vet told me that she had high levels of bacteria in her crop and blood in her stool. Luckily, the bacteria can be handled with antibiotics and the blood in her stool is likely from ulcerations caused by straining, which can heal given time and two other meds. The downside is that, until the 19th, she has to be fed her drugs 5 separate times a day. This involves grabbing her with a towel, and using a syringe to spray the drugs in her mouth as she tries to bite it. Obviously, this greatly stresses her and she really hates it. After the 19th, this luckily will get reduced to 2x a day until we see the vet again.
I just hope I’m doing the right thing. She’s such a good bird and deserves to feel comfortable in her senior years. I’m super attached to her, more than I realized. It’s going to be hard when her time comes.
deleted by creator
3 months later, and you’re still getting banned and still saying the same lines.
Signal via Molly seems like the best option at the moment. Molly is a third party client that allows for even more protections like database encryption and getting rid of Google firebase notifications, for example.