Same boat here. Recently prescribed the vyvase? One and it’s been a total game changer.
But legit would drink coffee before bed to sort of “focus” on sleeping lmao. Was “dialing it back” and still at 4-5 cups a day prior to meds. Now just have a single cup around 1 pm.
A bit sad about it - I love the flavor of coffee. And energy drinks. But at the same time 3 hours after first dose everything in my mind became so much less “aggressive” like my executive wasn’t being pulled. And I could push it.
Im well aware sadly, just waiting on a psychologist opening…
Same boat here. Recently prescribed the vyvase? One and it’s been a total game changer.
But legit would drink coffee before bed to sort of “focus” on sleeping lmao. Was “dialing it back” and still at 4-5 cups a day prior to meds. Now just have a single cup around 1 pm.
A bit sad about it - I love the flavor of coffee. And energy drinks. But at the same time 3 hours after first dose everything in my mind became so much less “aggressive” like my executive wasn’t being pulled. And I could push it.