Those are true, non-addictive, psychedelics and the world would be a better place if more people were given them with a proper guide. Ketamine is significantly different and addictive.
I’ve had my own experiences with psychedelics. I believe they have huge potential for psychotherapy but at the same time I absolute have to acknowledge the risks of psychosis. Handle with care!
No doubt! They are powerful medicine and should be used with guidance, especially at first.
I really like the trip guide method. An experienced person can shepard a person or small group through a trip. There is counseling before hand, maybe goals or problems to be considered during, counseling/discussion in the weeks afterwards. Screen for familial psychosis/schizoid disorders.
Medicine that should be respected, not really something to party with.
Those are true, non-addictive, psychedelics and the world would be a better place if more people were given them with a proper guide. Ketamine is significantly different and addictive.
So… You’re saying we shouldn’t be giving the richest man in the world an animal tranquilizer along with unlimited power over our government?
I’ve had my own experiences with psychedelics. I believe they have huge potential for psychotherapy but at the same time I absolute have to acknowledge the risks of psychosis. Handle with care!
No doubt! They are powerful medicine and should be used with guidance, especially at first.
I really like the trip guide method. An experienced person can shepard a person or small group through a trip. There is counseling before hand, maybe goals or problems to be considered during, counseling/discussion in the weeks afterwards. Screen for familial psychosis/schizoid disorders.
Medicine that should be respected, not really something to party with.