Uhh there are pretty good reasons we don’t do this today. Can you imagine if they suddenly hit turbulence? This seems like it was almost certainly photographed for advertising purposes too.
The way that jamón is cut makes me wanna cry a little
unrelated to the cut, but I got myself a small pre-sliced kit of Iberico ham, wholly holy hell I think I may have ruined myself on my discount charcuterie. Now I am having internal debates of the worthiness of buying a whole leg and having the arguments of justifying the costs to my wife.
Presunto/jámon will cure over time and become harder and denser in flavour. Cutting it straight from the leg is also a learned skill and a good knife to do it is also advisable. But you get a bone from which you can make an awsome feijoada.
What was the inflation adjusted cost of that flight?
An original Spanish person would be very angry with this picture
A portuguese would be very much pissed at it as well…
Now I didn’t fly much before I was born, I’ll admit, but my first guess would be that this is a photo taken for an ad, not an actual flight in progress.
This article suggests that it’s from actual flights in progress.
Well hats off to the flight attendants I must say
They were probably suppressing their coughing caused by the gentlemen smoking havanas one row further.
Looks like a staged photo, the corner where the wall meets the ceiling makes a hard right angle, which makes me think it’s a building and not a plane.
All the windows have curtain, how convenient you cant see if they are actually flying or not. The ceiling height is also suspicously to high, it seems fake. And calling that buzzfeed gallery as an “article” hmm…
Here’s a Danish article about servings at SAS flights through it’s history. You can translate it yourself
Also you can visit the official SAS museum website at the link bellow
As a Spaniard who comes from a place where that kind of ham is a typical food (like THE typical food), it hurts me to see how they are butchering that ham cutting it that way. I feel personally attacked.
I’m portuguese and I feel undecided between blind rage or ugly crying.
Por que não ambos?
Choro raivoso violento?
É isso
No, no, no, it was butchered much earlier.
I’ve never seen anyone cutting ham this way either
Common Nordic food L?
How many beers do they need?
If you think that’s a lot, you should see how many beers the pilots have got!
As one can see two different bottles (at least to me they look slightly different) on the plate, they may contain different grades, e.g. one may be light beer, lättöl, and the other regular beer, folköl, or strong beer, starköl.
“In what form would you like your pork?”
not enough cheese and imma pass on meats cut barehanded by people that work next to the pisser.