Either that or they’re under-diagnosing the disorder, which would explain why there is growing genetic evidence and fuck-all evidence of it having any environmental cause. However, the idea that neurodivergent disorders are actually fairly common, and that we only believe they aren’t because symptom expression is traditionally beaten out of children who then grow up to become ineffectual adults, is uncomfortable to contemplate because it would mean that an entire dimension of society has been structured incorrectly for generations.
An excellent question. For a literature example to share, have you ever heard of Anne of Green Gables, a series of novels from the early 1900s? The title character herself would be treated for ADHD today, and there is another whose name escapes me that would be under ADD.
But they don’t have these terms, it’s the 1900s, so these characters are simply excitable, absent minded, moody, day-dreamers…
Neurodiversity has been with us probably as long as neurons, but we like to make people fit a mold, and anyone who deviates is given a funny nickname and pushed into the mold anyway, or ostracized for their “incompatibility”.
Same with autism and any others, we’re just at the point where we want to look at it medically, and use medications and therapies to get them in the mold, rather than “a good whipping and back to the school books, damn slur” you’d get in the past.
Woah thanks i appreciate that answer. It leaves me with many more questions and strenghtens my belief in my hypothesis that this being a problem is a deeper global conscienceness issue .
at least, thats what places like france think where their adhd diagnosis/cases are a fraction of the united states.
Either that or they’re under-diagnosing the disorder, which would explain why there is growing genetic evidence and fuck-all evidence of it having any environmental cause. However, the idea that neurodivergent disorders are actually fairly common, and that we only believe they aren’t because symptom expression is traditionally beaten out of children who then grow up to become ineffectual adults, is uncomfortable to contemplate because it would mean that an entire dimension of society has been structured incorrectly for generations.
If they are common are they really disorders or just everyones different?
An excellent question. For a literature example to share, have you ever heard of Anne of Green Gables, a series of novels from the early 1900s? The title character herself would be treated for ADHD today, and there is another whose name escapes me that would be under ADD.
But they don’t have these terms, it’s the 1900s, so these characters are simply excitable, absent minded, moody, day-dreamers…
Neurodiversity has been with us probably as long as neurons, but we like to make people fit a mold, and anyone who deviates is given a funny nickname and pushed into the mold anyway, or ostracized for their “incompatibility”.
Same with autism and any others, we’re just at the point where we want to look at it medically, and use medications and therapies to get them in the mold, rather than “a good whipping and back to the school books, damn slur” you’d get in the past.
Woah thanks i appreciate that answer. It leaves me with many more questions and strenghtens my belief in my hypothesis that this being a problem is a deeper global conscienceness issue .
I sympathize with that point of view, but there just isn’t an outcome where we don’t pathologize anyone who deviates from the norm.
That sounds sad my dude