I recently started using voice (SSB) on the HF ham bands, and have made contacts on 15, 17, 20, and 40m. No real DX, but made one foreign contact ~1000mi away and another domestic ~2000mi away.
I live in a city and it’s challenging to get a good antenna setup, so it’s always a compromise where I am.
Nothing very impressive by ham standards, but it’s fun.
I recently started using voice (SSB) on the HF ham bands, and have made contacts on 15, 17, 20, and 40m. No real DX, but made one foreign contact ~1000mi away and another domestic ~2000mi away.
I live in a city and it’s challenging to get a good antenna setup, so it’s always a compromise where I am.
Nothing very impressive by ham standards, but it’s fun.
Ham radio is fun. Im not active, but maybe try posting a conversation on the different ham radio Lemmy communities.