I just finished setting up a custom router with dns ad blocking. Next comes a media player so I can purge this smart TV filth from my household.

Huge shout out to Louis Rossmann and the FUTO communuty contributors, check out the wiki on self-hosted software if you haven’t already.

Wiki link

  • TheBeesKnees@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 month ago

    This might depend on the version the OS is. I have an LG that’s been great for years, then it got a ““fresh new look”” that featured a giant banner for “recommendations.”

    I had auto-updates off, too. Thankfully, they still had an option to revert to the previous menu - but who knows how long that’d stay an option? It pissed me off enough to finally setup AdGaurd Home on my home server.

    Fun Fact: It’s increased my phone’s battery life by ~48 hours (excluding the rare occasion where its being actively used all day).