meh. Christianity hijacked Pagan Winter Solstice traditions and some historians even think Jesus was actually born around September. The bible flat out forbids Christmas trees(Jeremiah 10:1-4).
That’s about idols. When he’s saying do not fear or respect them because all they are is wood a man cut out of the forest and dressed with silver and gold, he’s saying the idols are mundane. They’re powerless creations made by man that cannot walk around without a man walking them around.
meh. Christianity hijacked Pagan Winter Solstice traditions and some historians even think Jesus was actually born around September. The bible flat out forbids Christmas trees(Jeremiah 10:1-4).
That’s about idols. When he’s saying do not fear or respect them because all they are is wood a man cut out of the forest and dressed with silver and gold, he’s saying the idols are mundane. They’re powerless creations made by man that cannot walk around without a man walking them around.