Apparently it’s a trend that most men just receive wallets rather than buying them

    7 hours ago

    I know I bought my last couple of wallets from the same place, usually because I walk past the wallet display stand, see a new one that I fancy, and decide on a whim to buy it. I get good mileage out of them, and they are generally inexpensive so even if I trade in every few years, it’s still nice to have a fresh wallet every now and again. I occasionally swap between bifold and trifold as well. One thing I know is I can’t do the minimalist design ones, I have too much shit in my wallet that I need just often enough to warrant carrying them around all the time (lest I forget them when I actually need them) but the desire to have the slimmest and most compact shape is definitely strong too. The two forces battle each other in my mind, and I usually settle for larger size in the end for convenience rather than comfort.

    I’m not sure if I’ve ever received a wallet as a gift before. Maybe when i was a kid, and it would have been one of those nylon ones with the zippers for pocket change and the velcro for the money section.

    I think my next wallet is going to be a really fancy one. Only thing I’m hesitating on in regard to that is I think cheaper wallet brands actually have the pulse of the everyman when it comes to design, whereas the fancier leather ones are somewhat impractical with fewer card slots, or very tight tolerances for sliding cards or money in them. I have to find just the right one, but I’m in no rush to replace my current wallet.