opsec warning for the thread: Letterboxd search feature was updated and it’s now instantaneous to find a user’s account based on their top four.
Guessing most people here shouldn’t associate their Lbox account with themselves but should be careful before posting this info here.
- The Human Condition, vol. 3 (the whole trilogy should be seen in order, but this part is peak)
- Come and See
- Ikiru
- My Dinner with Andre
These movies are so good they are life-affirming. They fill me with a will to change and to live beautifully. All are politically conscious, to varying degrees, too. I really think anyone would get something out of watching them
I read the summary for The Human Condition 3 and it sounds depressing as hell
I hope you didn’t spoil yourself with a full summary
It’s definitely bleak but the protagonist is an inspiring comrade and he finds purpose in his circumstances
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Underrated Ghibli film, good picks overall
Have you seen Nausicäa? That 1 and Mononoke are my favorites. Miyazaki is at his best when he centers environmentalism
I haven’t seen Nausicaa yet. Mononoke is good but a bit too RETVRN-y for my tastes
It definitely criticizes industrial civilization as a whole but I think the portrayal is more focused on unsustainability than technology itself being bad.
This is peak cinema!! Paddington 2, City of God, Perfect Blue, and Shottas
oooh I gotta rewatch City of God soon
watches Paddington 2 for the 5th time
Apparently there’s a new paddington movie, i haven’t heard anything about it but i hope it’s good
I don’t have this, but my top four off the top of my head:
- War and Peace (I don’t think another film has ever or will ever hit the heights of this film. CGI is fundamentally unable to produce thi. Like this film makes me weep for what was possible, but instead we have to churn out the nth Marvel slop. Without soviet cinema Hollywood would have always sucked, and now it returns to sucking.)
- La Chinoise - Godard was the greatest artist of the 20th century. This film is likely not his best, but it’s my favorite.
- The Gleaners and I - ❤️ Varda, the follow up is also beautiful. Her narrative cinema was also great, but this doc will always hold a special place in my heat.
- Gummo - This is the pinnacle of American cinema don’t @ me. Runner up goes to Julian Donkey Boy. (People who say Korrine is being cruel in these films are saying more about themselves than the film. Okay that’s a hot take, and Tbc i don’t like him as a person either lol.)
Special mention: Together by Moodyson. A bunch of Swedish communists live together in a commune. The film starts with the entire house celebrating the death of Franco lol. (Unfortunately the follow up was meh). His other film We Are Best is also wonderful. It’s about a group of young girls who want to start a punk band. Both are good films to watch when you are feeling down. But keep in mind the rest of his catalog is a bit more serious.
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Due Date, Neighbors, Dirty Grandpa, T*d
Synecdoche New York, Happiness of the Katakuris, An Elephant Sitting Still, Drag Me to Hell
What a list!
Do you mean my favourite movies by this ?
yeah top 4
- Stalker: untouchable masterpiece of cinema
- 3 Iron: understated film about shared connection between social outcasts
- Seventh Continent: probably the most depressing film ever made but also one of the most beautiful
- Rosemary’s Baby: a couple try desperately to have a baby, then equally desperately not to
3 iron is so good, it blew my mind how powerful and evocative a movie could be with barely any dialogue.
Mulholland Drive, Matrix Reloaded (I will defend this pick to the death btw), Everything Everywhere All At Once, and Mad Max Fury Road
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Jurassic Park, Mulholland Drive, Brick, Threads
You’re the first person I’ve seen online to talk about Brick! Best modern noir film I’ve seen.
Mad Max Fury Road
Serial Mom
Infernal Affairs
T2 Trainspotting
I dont think these are my absolute favourites, I have a lot of four and a half stars and admittedly I haven’t watched a lot of the “classics”
Blade Runner 2049
Everything Everywhere All at Once
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Hot Fuzz
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
I think I’ve seen this film like 100 times. I also used to put on moorise kingdom in the background to listen to the soundtrack lol
I fucking lost it when he fires the harpoon gun at the pirates.