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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Angie-Sunshine on 2024-12-03 01:36:05+00:00.

Technically not today, but yeah. So I’ve had Linkedin for years since my company asked us to engage with their socials. Never really used it so I didn’t know that Linkedin was actually important, I thought it was like a Facebook for companies to share happy-people videos, you know, the ones where people smile and say we’re a family (I know, I’m dumb). So a few months ago I entered a program to get certified and one of the things they did was network us with people from HR of a few companies. The school asked them to give us a few presentations about the skills they were looking for and some motivational speeches as a way of hyping us up and they ended up giving us their contact info. So these HR people gave us their Linkedin profiles. I didn’t want to loose them so I looked them up and saved the links. Fast forward a month or so later, in part of our course, they asked us to make or update our Linkedin’s to make them more attractive to possible employers, so I accessed my Linkedin easily hundreds of times in that period. To acces Linkedin I always just wrote “link” in the google search bar and it redirected me. However, since I had saved the linkedin profiles of the HR people, when I did so, I accessed “Mary from HR”'s profile first. I didn’t think much of it since I just hit the home button and went to my own profile. It just seemed easier than having to type it all.

Well, I didn’t know that when you view someones profile they get notified. I. AM.SOOOOOO.SCREWED!!! They probably think I was stalking them or something!!! I’m MORTIFIED!!! I erased the links when I realized but the damage was done. I just hope I never get rejected from a job becuase of this. I’m sorry “Mary” it wasn’t on purpose!!! I’m just dumb :(

TL;DR: I saved the link for the Linkedin profile of HR people and was accessing Linkedin on their profiles instead of mine by accident thus coming off as a stalker.