So – I think that generally speaking, about 99% of police in the US are going out with good intent to do a difficult and dangerous job, one of the hazards of which is drawing a bunch of anger from the ACAB crowd, when all they’re doing is a pretty vitally necessary-to-society job which isn’t that easy to do.

I do think there are individual bad officers and some entire bad departments, and that because of the unique position they’re in, the harm they’re able to do is magnified to the point that that 1% is actually a significant problem that should get worked on, but without shitting on the 99% of cops who are just going out and doing their best, working hard to keep everything on an even keel.

With that said, I think maybe a better way to introduce that more pro-police viewpoint into the Lemmy hivemind would be a forum which is more about just talking openly about the facts and being able to have a discussion. Something like /c/OnePercentOfCopsAreBastards is what I would make personally, but maybe that’s just my overly-inflammatory way of speaking. The point is, I think it’s better to have a place a little more devoted to just being able to talk, whichever side you’re on, as long as you can agree to actually listen and not be dicks to one another. I do actually think it’s an important topic.

I don’t think the various /c/IHateThePolice communities are doing anyone any good, but I also don’t think starting an equally one-sided /c/LookThePoliceAreGreat community so everyone can coalesce into their little opposing bubbles is a step in the right direction.

My humble feedback / suggestion. Maybe I am too optimistic about the overall state of Lemmy vis-a-vis wanting to hear opposing views from one another.