Hi all, I’ve been running the latest Pop_OS 22.04 LTS, and recently discovered all the new cosmic apps from the upcoming Cosmic DE. They are seriously impressive in both UI/UX and performance, but I got updates to all of the cosmic apps yesterday, and now when i try and launch any of them, they simply hard lock my computer, forcing a hard reboot to recover.

I noticed a few recent reports of similar behavior over on Reddit, but Reddit 'tis a silly place, so I’m posting to Lemmy instead.

Since I cannot copy/paste any errors, i took a picture and hand typed out what happens when i launch cosmic-store from a terminal. It appears to be a json-ish error.

ERROR winit::platform_impl::platform] X11 error: XError {
    description: "BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)",
    error_code: 8,
    request_code: 149,
    minor_code: 4

os info:

kernel: 6.9.3-76060903-generic


There are no updates available via sudo apt update && apt upgrade as of time of this post, and this is from an xorg session.

~$ ps -e | grep -E '(Xorg|wayland)'

   2207 tty2     00:00:12 Xorg