New Entries

Fiction Books [], up 5.85% to 140, (30, 18 recent)
Antiwork [], up 5.03% to 508, (475, 15 recent)
> Greentext [], up 4.13% to 1328, (173, 6 recent)
europe [], up 3.89% to 66, (1180, 4 recent)
Politics [], up 3.25% to 1053, (1798, 54 recent)
Memmy - An iOS client for Lemmy [], up 2.96% to 355, (940, 10 recent)
196 [], up 2.56% to 3783, (6556, 206 recent)
Privacy [], up 1.84% to 3100, (2624, 25 recent) Main Community [], up 1.79% to 277, (341, 3 recent)
Aotearoa / New Zealand [], up 1.60% to 257, (329, 22 recent)
Technology [], up 1.58% to 3040, (3407, 25 recent)
Armored Core [], up 1.36% to 10, (5, 2 recent)
fashion [], up 1.33% to 93, (47, 5 recent)
Canada [], up 1.26% to 1439, (1280, 92 recent)
Important Images [], up 1.17% to 83, (35, 6 recent)
MoreMoreTankieChapo is a Marxist-Leninist place dedicated to theory, world news, and shitposting [], up 1.14% to 6, (29, 2 recent)
Earth, Environment, & Geosciences [], up 0.94% to 46, (198, 8 recent)
Cities: Skylines [], up 0.91% to 30, (49, 3 recent)
Lisp Community [], up 0.89% to 15, (163, 4 recent)
Space [], up 0.87% to 154, (290, 17 recent)
AfD [], up 0.76% to 21, (16, 2 recent)
Music [], up 0.74% to 289, (1162, 58 recent)
México [], up 0.70% to 17, (221, 2 recent)
Cyberbezpieczeństwo & Globalna Inwigilacja [], up 0.69% to 17, (664, 4 recent)
Patient Gamers [], up 0.63% to 764, (104, 6 recent)
Star Citizen [], up 0.61% to 25, (81, 3 recent)
Hacker News [], up 0.61% to 342, (3621, 270 recent)
Dads [], up 0.60% to 26, (15, 2 recent)
Conspiracy [], up 0.57% to 3, (49, 2 recent)
90s TV [], up 0.57% to 98, (161, 15 recent)
Cannabis Cultivation [], up 0.55% to 25, (62, 8 recent)
katzen [], up 0.54% to 4, (8, 2 recent)
Gatze [], up 0.54% to 36, (58, 4 recent)
BrainWorms [], up 0.53% to 331, (206, 9 recent)
urbanism [], up 0.48% to 497, (3172, 24 recent)
Tampere [], up 0.48% to 1, (20, 5 recent)
Giornalismo e disordine informativo [], up 0.48% to 13, (198, 4 recent)
Hacker News [], up 0.47% to 678, (6611, 548 recent)
Pics That Go Hard [], up 0.46% to 17, (72, 2 recent)
ProleWiki [], up 0.45% to 10, (133, 2 recent)
artporn [], up 0.43% to 179, (303, 69 recent)
Bot Art [], up 0.41% to 85, (2081, 281 recent)
OpenStreetMap community [], up 0.38% to 114, (133, 6 recent)
CopyPasta [], up 0.29% to 8, (17, 2 recent)
Soulframe [], up 0.28% to 4, (9, 6 recent)
Imaginary Witches [], up 0.27% to 19, (71, 13 recent)

Previous Entries

Retro Game Gallery [], up 13.02% to 198, (136, 110 recent)
Political Memes [], up 4.83% to 127, (102, 2 recent)
Technology [], up 4.06% to 2973, (2503, 51 recent)
Movies and TV Shows [], up 2.07% to 1616, (818, 46 recent)