The reality where people cannot afford $10-20 things. And the corporations just start charging those poor people interest.
Being poor is expensive.
Of course. How else do you keep poor people poor and rich richer.
Poor people: charge them extra for not affording things.
Rich people: let them buy things they don’t need but can afford and then charge poor people to rent those things.
Rich people: just give them expensive stuff in the hopes that they’ll buy more expensive stuff from you later.
You see, it’s funny because life is a late stage capitalist hellscape from which I cannot wake 😐
It is actually pretty unethical and scummy. I think we need a boycott
Born too late to buy a house.
Born too soon to be forced to evacuate your city because of the rise of sea levels.
Born just in time to see the deaths of the major democracies in the world.
As Ben Shapiro so perfectly put it:
If the sea level rises, just sell your house and leave
If you’re willing to buy a flooded underwater house let me know, i have a deal for you 👌
It was an intentional reference to a nonsense argument by Ben Shapiro, famously mocked.
I’ll do it. I’ll just remove the flood with my mop.
The kingdom of atlantis needs housing. We just need to get a hold of aqua man.
You’ll have to wait. He’s a little tide up right now.
Facts and logic be like /s
Facts don’t care about your floods and natural catastrophes
Also known as acts of god- so as long as you’re on god’s good side, those things won’t happen, and if they do, well obviously you did something to piss off god so you deserve it. QED.
You might still be born in time for that second one.
Lucky us
Look on the bright side, if Putin and Trump start launching the nukes in a dick measuring contest, you will probably die of radiation poisoning long before sea level rise affects you.
I still hope for a quick one with the shock wave from the explosion, still…
What major democracies? If you’re talking about USA, calling it democracy is a stretch
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Why would you want to see the death of democracy. I live in a democracy and I do my best to do my part and to be reasonable. The people are made up of persons and you have the ability to speak your mind and vote how you see fit.
Also respect all people even if you disagree with them or dislike them
Why would you like to need to finance a pizza from domino’s? You wouldn’t. The whole meme format is that the last option sucks.
I believe the option is more likely to be for people having large parties.
If you need to finance the pizza you probably shouldn’t be having that party.
If you were desperate for food you might
The best answer is to go to the food pantry
I think the point is that no one wants to be in a position where financing something as trivial as takeout pizza becomes an appealing choice.
There are definitely services available, but sometimes takeout pizza just hits the spot. And that being an unaffordable luxury feels like sad commentary on our society.
Assuming the finance a pizza bit is true, it’s a sign that the American economy is on the brink of a deflationary spiral. Debt is being created, but at some point, it will not be paid back in sufficient amounts, and then the capital to create more debt will dry up, resulting in the amount of money in the economy drying up as well. Businesses will be forced to lower prices and scale back operations, which will result in rising unemployment. Which in turn will result in even less money in the economy, perpetuating the circle.
Thats the nature of an economy where most currency circulating is actually just debt.
It’s not unlike the economies of ancient Mesopotamia. A farmer who wanted beer would write a promissory note for a few bushels of barley in some clay and give it to the brewer. The brewer could then either wait to collect it at harvest, or trade that note with someone else for something they needed. This would be passed around until it ended up in the hands of people with real wealth, and if the farmer couldn’t pay the wealthy person would take whatever they wanted.
It’s thought that this is why in many near Eastern societies women are expected to dress plainly, as they wouldn’t be chosen when the rich asshole showed up to collect on his debt. One way some societies solved this problem without violence or slavery was to eliminate all debts every several years.
This is from David Graeber’s “Debt: The First 5,000 Years” and I highly recommend it.
In the bible, the regular elimination of all debt was called the “Jubilee”
Which is just another way all the conservative Christians decrying the elimination of student loans are hypocrites who’ve never actually read their book
It’s not even like they are struggling financially These big companies just want more to the point of sinking there business because they got a fraction less profit that year
I’d be very curious to see how many people actually use this option and for what price. I could see a family living paycheck to paycheck using this for a child’s birthday party. (Don’t misinterpret that statement as giddiness.)
Your statement sounds like giddiness! Oh wait never mind. Carry on
Let’s finance a pizza! Yippee!
You sick bastard!
at this point an economic crash seems like the only possible future, but I’m not sure if it would be good for your average person or if the top 1% would take advantage of it to get even richer
Most of the world is already in an economic recession in the sense that median purchasing power of is dropping fast.
However economist are great at fudging the numbers to show “gdp growth”. It true, absolute gdp is rising but it doesn’t mean anything if it’s evenly distributed.yup, just waiting to go past the tipping point where we’ll be so poor nobody’s going to buy products anymore causing a vicious circle
I think if you reflect a little, you know the answer really. Take a look at what happened during the pandemic
Although the 1% is really the 0.1%. So it’s much, much worse.
It’s about assets. In an economic crash, the 1% buys up the assets for pennies on the dollar, generally receiving an enormous government bailout in the process.
Housing/real estate is the most obvious example of this over the past fifteen years or so.
Alright I am done for it, gotta quickly think of something to hoard so that I can make some profit afterwards
If only money machine could go brrrr…
As if it isn’t already doing so
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Debt is being created, but at some point, it will not be paid back in sufficient amounts
JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America have already had to write off $4.5 billion in debt that won’t be repaid.
Pay over six weeks with what fucking money? Seems like everyone has a fucking “job” to waste my time interviewing for, but no one has a fucking “job” that pays me or even lets me participate in society for free.
Then get a job…
I don’t know what you are saying
Desperately hoping this is sarcasm, but in case it isn’t, I have applied for over 350 jobs in my field and gotten zero offers. I’m trying like hell to get to work but employers will not take me. If it were that simple, I’d be working.
To clarify, by
but no one has a fucking “job” that … even lets me participate in society for free
I really meant that I can’t even find unpaid internships, training programs, or any way to participate in my field unless I literally start from scratch by myself.
Employers can’t find good candidates either. The entire system is broken and AI made it so much worse. In person events are the only way these days
Yeah, so I’m prepping like hell for the upcoming Career Fair at my school, but I really don’t know what else to do. I’m not a “social butterfly”.
As someone who escaped that hellhole a while back the secret is networking.
I’m a very introverted person who hates small talk and showing off, so it was miserable, but all of the interviews I got, except for one, out of my 250-350 applications were solely from networking. I started going through my contacts and shit, and I was looking at who I knew in the field, or might have connections in it. Worked wonders.
I started going through my contacts
Yeah that’s my problem. I’m an extremely insular autistic person with basically zero contacts. Other than my dentist or Lemmy, I haven’t had a semi-serious conversation with anyone in literally weeks.
Have you tried talking with family? I got strong leads from multiple family members.
The unfortunate reality is that you need to be personable first, and knowledgeable second. They’re both important, but you can’t get in the door without the first. Try to find a common ground with the interviewer or whoever you talk to at the fair, it will boost your chances 1000x
You just need to CONfidence
a “social butterfly” is someone who bounces around a lot, interacting with many people but connecting deeply with none.
Your generation needs to be careful using that term as the gold standard for social skills. It’s not entirely a good thing.
I hope you aren’t paying to much for school. A college degree is important but I see a pot of people get the degree and fall on there face.
What I would recommend is to do a practice interview with a career coach. Most universities have a career center.
Also have related hobby type stuff you can point to if you don’t have a not of experience. Be ready to learn and enjoy what you do.
Just to try to help here: have you considered applying for a job abroad? There’s a few countries that have labour shortages in a lot of areas, mostly European countries.
Yeah I have, and I’m in the US so I would be literally thrilled to work abroad or otherwise get out of here.
Not that it really matters to speak other languages, but it does help.
I know that a lot of German companies constantly need new personell and have a lot of engineering firms (I believe you study /have studied engineering)
Yeah I am studying engineering. I have a bachelor’s so far but I’m doing a master’s now and I’d do a PhD if money/employment wasn’t an issue. I’ll look into German companies (again).
As for PhDs, I don’t know the system in the USA, in Germany you can become a part-time teacher for your subject at university. Which means that your PhD is free and you get payed a little, normally enough to provide for your everyday and rent. Maybe there are doctorate programs geared towards US students.
Also maybe this info by the German Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs can be helpful.
If you have any further questions on working in Germany, pls do consider asking on the English-speaking German subreddits for further information. They are quite a big community and should be able to offer more info and in particular more detailed info for your craft.
Anyhow I wish you good luck and maybe we can welcome you in Germany.
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No one wants to hire me because (1) I don’t have the experience they’re looking for, (2) I have zero people in my network, and (3) I don’t have the social skills to overcome all the other negatives. It’s very simple. The problem is that overcoming these 3 items simultaneously has proven to be almost impossible.
I’m in the same boat as you. We should have tea and biscuits while planning armed resistance against the billionaire class.
I’m not a tea guy but I’ll devour the biscuits. And fuck billionaires ofc.
Count me in too…
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I don’t know which jobs you’re looking at,
many jobs require problem solving skills. And it seems you have none
Lmao I have problem-solving skills out the wazoo, and I have projects and hobbies to show it. But it’s never enough to overcome my lack of a network and general weirdness.
EVA nautilus live is basically exploring space irl. Except it’s the bottom of the ocean. They stream every day.
If I can’t die horrifically and spectacularly, is it even exploring?
I mean you can. Ocean gate was a thing, I’m sure there’s others.
To be fair, short of rapid depressurization or suicide, dying that way is hard to do in space. Modern spacecraft have relatively safe environments; no Trek style plasma conduits or transporters to screw that up. The impacts that radiation and zero-g have on the human body are also factored into the mission way in advance. Even crew homicide is carefully mitigated with psych evals and tests, prior to launch.
Instead you have a slew of less fun alternatives. Limited food/water/O2, heating, tumbling into the void on a spacewalk, navigation error, all set up slow and agonizing ways to go. Especially that last one - you could wind up knowing that you’re going to die a whole month ahead of time, with nothing to do but wait.
I was hoping for unplanned rapid disassembly, I can do all the boring endings at home.
It’s wild that I can’t tell if financing a pizza is real or not
This is horrible
Oh man, and it’s from Uber. So not only do they want you to pay for the pizza, and interest, they want you to pay up to 100% more for delivery. They used to deliver these things for free, in 30 minutes or less, or your pizza was free too. The enshitification continues!
They used to deliver these things for free, in 30 minutes or less, or your pizza was free too.
I guess that too now kinda falls into the “too late to buy your own house” thing
There’s typically zero interest on Buy Now Pay Later scams fwiw, including Zip.
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It’s real. IIRC you can make 4
payments over 6 weeks.
You’re not born to early to explore space, just too poor!
No man’s sky is actually a pretty cool game.
Agreed I need to play it more
Okay this is disgusting. It’s only gonna make people’s money problems worse. If you can’t pay for a domino’s pizza out of the pocket, maybe it’s a better idea to go for something cheaper like a freezer pizza from the supermarket. Most people picking this option will be making a mistake.
i be financing the 2 dollar vbucks 🤦♂️
I’ve seen people put fucking mixed drinks on payment plans. We’re fucked lol
Thanks trickle down economics!
When the diapers get so full that it finally starts trickling down 😌🙏
Unfortunately have done this before with food when I had an addiction to ordering all my food through ubereats.
Like a credit card?
Or a house
Nah you need a good credit score for that
Can’t wait to buy a pizza on layaway!
they do, but the cardboard box is gonna cost you 5 extra dollars
At the current rate of humans regressing to the past, we’ll never venture out into space in the way we’d all hope.
For real though, you were born just in time to download the gateway tapes and explore the inner depths of your own consciousness.