Just a test for my new CNC machine. I got the file from here: Scantheworld and turned it into a relief using ZBrush and Photoshop. The wood I used is cherry and the sice of the carving is roughly 60x50mm.
Just a test for my new CNC machine. I got the file from here: Scantheworld and turned it into a relief using ZBrush and Photoshop. The wood I used is cherry and the sice of the carving is roughly 60x50mm.
I want to make tailpieces (the part that connects the strings to the body) with decorative carvings for string instruments like violins. This piece is actually a tailpiece for a Tagelharpa! (I added holes for the strings after taking this photo)
As for the finish, I’ll just use oil, without sanding to preserve detail in the carving.
And here’s my cnc.