Since its introduction, I’ve been picking up Harpoon on Juggernaut every now and then. I don’t see a whole lot of other people buying it and my teammates really don’t like it lol. But it’s a lot of fun and feels good in some matchups. I dunno if it’s good in higher levels of play, so I’m curious if y’all think it’s viable.

In some matchups against squishy ranged carries or lots of slows, or if my team lacks stuns, I usually feel the need for some extra mobility, and I feel like I need it before I can justify a swift blink. Harpoon lets me build mobility into my early mid game kit, letting me get in range for omnislash or a spin or just right clicks. and if it’s a good game for it, it pairs well with basher/abyssal too.

In lane, usually I build wraith band + phase and then decide on a farming item - bfury, mael, or echo saber if I’m going for harpoon. Echo saber on its own feels underwhelming as a farming item - probably the biggest downside of this build - so I only really feel comfortable getting it if I’m doing well in my lane and can stay there for a while. It feels like it’d be overkill to get echo and mael, so I haven’t done it, but the extra lightning proc is tempting.

Anyone tried this or have opinions? Ty :)

  • lonke
    1 year ago

    Now, I’m no jugger regular, but it feels pretty expensive for the stats it gives. You already have the shard movespeed with a free bkb so I feel like you should be able to just run in and ult valuable targets. A basher/skadi usually does the job with more preferable stats.