Jon Stewart the last Lefty on television? In modern American history, media has routine...
Cenk is a capitalist, they previously employed two people who are now essentially full blown out of the closet fascists, and Cenk’s own nephew most recently caught controversy for telling a Houthi pirate how hot he is.
I don’t consider the trafficking of women and children to be left wing. Perhaps you might, if this comment is in reference to the Hoithi pirates, but I don’t.
I don’t care he is a capitalist but I have been always wary of him given his history and recently there have been some things which makes me distrust him personally. Don’t get me wrong though. TYT has had some good stuff.
Cenk is a capitalist, they previously employed two people who are now essentially full blown out of the closet fascists, and Cenk’s own nephew most recently caught controversy for telling a Houthi pirate how hot he is.
Everyone knows hot people aren’t left wing. /s
I don’t consider the trafficking of women and children to be left wing. Perhaps you might, if this comment is in reference to the Hoithi pirates, but I don’t.
But was he hot?
I don’t care he is a capitalist but I have been always wary of him given his history and recently there have been some things which makes me distrust him personally. Don’t get me wrong though. TYT has had some good stuff.
I like Anna, John and Francesca.