• JasSmith@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Nah I’m “conservative” (at least that’s what they call me on Reddit now), and most of us support this blackout. The site has been hostile to diverse political opinions for a long time. Note how one of the largest subs, r/Politics, remained open the whole time. They are, by every metric, very left wing.

    Don’t let the silly culture war divide us on this one. We all think Reddit has jumped the shark.

    • djmarcone@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      What they did to The_Donald where Spez edited comments to make the sub seem to be inciting violence, so he had an excuse to ban it, is a prime example and should be a red flag regardless of someone’s politics.

      The banning from several subs automatically of people who joined joke subs like “ChurchofCovid” is also a prime example.

      Very hostile to differing political opinions.

      I don’t think it’s a social media site any more, I think it’s a propaganda site and a data harvesting operation.

      • Rabbithole@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        where Spez edited comments to make the sub seem to be inciting violence, so he had an excuse to ban it

        Not what happened. Spez, fuckwit though he is, actually managed to do a halfway decent trolling there.

        A bunch of t_d people were slagging him off and insulting him in their comments. Spez got drunk as shit one night and edited their comments, swapping his name with Trump’s so that it made them look like a bunch of anti-trumpers. Much gnashing of teeth ensued.

        Absolutely shouldn’t have done it, especially as CEO of Reddit FFS, but definitely funny as shit.

        Don’t get me wrong, it’s absolutely a mark against him, but he didn’t get them banned. They thouroughly got themselves banned on their own.