Hi all,

I have seen lately that the ‘source available’ N8N (which is excellent), has starting increasing pricing and restricting what you can get for your pricing.

In time, I can only assume this will get worse. Now, they deserve to get paid, and that’s fine, but I had gone in thinking this was open source, but I see now it’s not that at all.

This has led me to wonder if there’s a true open source / self hosted alternative to N8N out there? Doing a bit of a hunt shows ‘source available’ alternatives, with a price point, and restrictions. I’m wondering if any team has tackled this in a truly open manner and if there’s something out there?

Thanks so much

  • chebra@mstdn.io
    10 months ago

    That licensing isn’t much better than n8n. Enterprise code mixed with AGPL + CLA, that’s basically the same as source available.