Music Software & Bad Interface Design: Avid’s Sibelius by Tantacrul (not mine)
YouTube description: "In this video, I take a detailed look at the design of Avid’s Sibelius - a popular music notation application. Sibelius is the embodiment of what not to do as a user experience designer and this video covers a range of examples of inappropriate design patterns and bad user interface choices. Then I go insane.
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This really is one of the great examples of breaking all UI design principles and every UX design principle too. It’s like a design bull in a musical china shop."
MuseScore’s reaction to his criticism was incredible, and they have made incredble strides recently.
I agree with you about Finale’s UI just being, well, unattractive. All things considered, if I get into composing again, I would love to take Dorico out for a spin.
I agree about MuseScore’s reaction. I really like the way MuseScore 4 feels, and the MuseHub is pretty useful. Check out Tantacrul’s video on Dorico. I found it informative.