As far as I perceive, they are generally enemies of well-intentioned countries.
I’m not sure which countries you’re referring to, but maybe you mean the other imperial core countries. As neocolonizers, they are no more well-intentioned than the US is, from the perspective of the periphery countries they plunder.
Why would you say that? Meanwhile, Princeton University Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy. Which isn’t surprising since capitalist democracy is a sham democracy.
I can only say that they are freer than Anglosphere propaganda claim. Meanwhile Julian Assange has been a political prisoner for 12 years and counting, despite even the major Global North corporate media pleading for his exoneration.
I’m not sure which countries you’re referring to, but maybe you mean the other imperial core countries. As neocolonizers, they are no more well-intentioned than the US is, from the perspective of the periphery countries they plunder.