Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) suggested Monday that Russian President Vladimir Putin has some sort of financial influence over former President Trump.

In an interview with MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki,” Pelosi said Putin is the “richest person in the world” and has “stiff competition” to being named the most evil person in the world.

Pelosi asked “what does he have on Donald Trump that he’d have to constantly be catering to Putin?”

Her comments came just after Trump doubled down on his criticism of NATO and said he would encourage Russia to attack U.S. allies who fail to reach the alliance’s defense spending goals. Trump has also declined to criticize Putin for the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny in a Russian prison last week.

    8 months ago

    Mediocre? Biden inherited an actual trainwreck. In terms of purely technocratic policy, the recovery will be talked about for decades as a textbook template for both crisis management and economic planning. Nothing like that has ever happened in the modern era.

      8 months ago

      Biden inherited an actual trainwreck.

      Its funny you should use the term trainwreck, given one of Biden’s early acts as President was to sign a bill authored by Democrat lawmakers to forbid the US Railway Workers from striking. Consequently, we’ve had a wave of train derailments and rail infrastructure failures.

      Nothing like that has ever happened in the modern era.

      The '08 Recession was far worse. And a great deal of the modern trainwreck stems from failures under the Obama administration to stabilize the housing market, rein in catastrophic speculative bubbles in the finance sector, and PASS UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE.

      All objectives Biden fumbled (or deliberately undermined) as VP back when Democrats enjoyed a 60 vote Senate majority. Is there any surprise that he’s once again unable or unwilling to address corporate mismanagement in his current role as chief executive?