The Ukraine-Russia war because I live in western Europe and fear the possible consequence (some already occurred like energy and goods prices raise).
D. J. Trump justice issues since I think that’s important for judging the health of our democracies.
There’s a knock off in n out burger restaurant in Culiacán, Sinaloa, México. In n out says they are going to get their legal team to stop the Mexican restaurant but I am curious if anything is going to happen, and how long it will take.
There’s also a Buc-ee’s knockoff and I think they are already considering suing. lol
I just looked it up! Buc-iis doesn’t seem as high quality as buc-ees.
The World Cup and the fallout from the coup in Niger.
Oh yeah, I hope the president is going to survive this.
Union strikes going on
Cornel West, hit pieces and talks
Jose Vega, Humanity For Peace Rally in New York, going on today
RFK Jr. on Israel-Palistine, Backing out fron talks with Max Blumenthal
Niger, anti-west movement, anti-france
Biden, Hunter having Biden on ~20 corp. talks
Trump, Jan 6 trials and talks
And more…
I read every article about that otter that bites surfboards that gets linked.