The United States has admitted it did not notify the Iraqi government before its recent air strikes in the country after a top White House official claimed Baghdad had been informed in advance.

Iraq, like every country in the region, understood that there would be a response after the deaths of our soldiers. As for this specific response on Friday, there was not a pre-notification,” Patel told reporters. “We informed the Iraqis immediately after the strikes occurred.”

The clarification came after White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby on Friday said that Washington had informed the Iraqi government in advance.

Kirby said on Monday that he had responded to reporters’ questions with the “information that I had been provided at the time”.

“It was not as specific as it could have been, and I regret any confusion caused,” he said.

    8 months ago

    I think your analysis is missing something. It’s not islamists that are the problem (any more than any religion is). It’s that the US is a destabilizing force in the Middle East. As long as we have our fingers over there people are going to be pissed about it and do wacky stuff like fund terrorist organizations.

    If the US and Iran switched places. I guarantee you we’d be doing the same thing.

    Don’t let your religious bigotries give you brainworms.

      8 months ago

      I don’t know if it’s religion as much as my direct personal experience with the IRGC. Iran is the destabilizing force in the region, their intent on spreading Islam has caused thousands upon thousands to die. The US acting to counter that causes problems without question but without them… well the goals of the Islamists pushing for the pan arabian caliphate wouldn’t have anything standing in their way.

      When it comes down to the US vs Islamism…bomb the fucking shit out of every Islamist motherfucker there is ime. They’re a curse on humanity.