Although the system appeared to be sufficient for the nation’s first century, progressive intellectuals and activists demanded a more professionalized, scientific, and politically neutral Administration. Progressives designed a merit system to promote expertise and shield bureaucrats from partisan political pressure, but it soon began to insulate civil servants from accountability. The modern merit system increasingly made it almost impossible to fire all but the most incompetent civil servants. Complying with arcane rules regarding recruiting, rating, hiring, and firing simply replaced the goal of cultivating competence and expertise
Such a reliance on holdovers and bureaucrats led to a lack of agency control and the absolute refusal of the
Acting Attorney General from the Obama Administration to obey a direct order from the President.
Congress should also consider whether public-sector unions are appropriate in the first place.
During their terms, the three Republican commissioners have demonstrated with their votes and their public statements that they believe the FEC should not overregulate political activity and act beyond its statutory authority, construe ambiguous and confusing provisions against candidates and the public instead of the government, and infringe on protected First Amendment activity
Clicked on “Department of Education” and this is the first sentence:
Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated.
The second paragraph praises Milton Friedman, someone who should be up there with Kissinger in terms of what a disgusting piece of shit he and his followers are. If anyone wants to know what’s about to happen to the US, read Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine to see how it’s gone when we’ve had our “free market capitalist” hands in other countries’ business. It makes me physically ill. I hope all the gEnOcIdE jOE people understand what this place, and several other countries, will look like with trump in office.
This isn’t a conspiracy. This is a fact: Project 2025 by the Heritage Foundation
Central Personnel Agencies: Managing the Bureaucracy
Federal Election Commission
Leeja Miller - The Conservative Plan to Take Over the Country (you need to know about this)
Clicked on “Department of Education” and this is the first sentence:
The second paragraph praises Milton Friedman, someone who should be up there with Kissinger in terms of what a disgusting piece of shit he and his followers are. If anyone wants to know what’s about to happen to the US, read Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine to see how it’s gone when we’ve had our “free market capitalist” hands in other countries’ business. It makes me physically ill. I hope all the gEnOcIdE jOE people understand what this place, and several other countries, will look like with trump in office.