Still haven’t found a dedicated handspinning community, but I’m hoping this will tempt some of y’all to the dark side 😉
I spun this last year, but haven’t yet found a project worthy of it (open to suggestions!). Fiber is Merino wool, colorway is Tie Dyed Popsicles by the Wooly Witch, spun on my Babe’s Fiber Starter wheel. It’s about 15-16 WPI, so roughly a light fingering weight, and 170g. Planning to leave it a single since plying it might muddy those glorious, glorious colors, and that would be a travesty! 😍
Still a fairly new spinner, all things considered, and mostly self-taught, so I’m open to any constructive criticism and willing to answer any questions y’all might have! Thanks for letting me briefly invade your knitting space! 😁
Absolutely! I usually have a podcast up, but sometimes it’s really soothing to sit with just my thoughts and the sounds of the wheel
I could definitely see this. Did you spin this by hand or by wheel? It’s so pretty with all the colours. I’m like absolutely inept with my hands so a part of me is always part fascinated part jealous of anyone who can make things with their hands. My skills end at baking and cooking, haha.
This was on a wheel, but could absolutely be done on a spindle! It definitely takes some practice to get a feel for it, but everyone spins “art yarn” for the first little while 🤣