Do you reread books or are you done with them once you’ve read them?

I like to reread books sometimes! Rereading is especially good if I’ve just finished something heavy or intense; I can follow that up with something that I’ve enjoyed before so it doesn’t take too much effort and I can have a bit of a break. I also don’t have the greatest retention for what I read, so even if I’ve read something before there’s no way I’ll remember everything. And there are certain books that are comforting and cozy and those are great to reread when I want that kind of mood.

    1 year ago

    No, I can’t remember ever doing that (outside study purposes). For me the joy is thinking about what could happen and see if the story unfolds that way and being able to get surprised when there’s a plottwist.
    But maybe I should try it once just to see if I missed some references or ques

      1 year ago

      I’ve re-read several books and I always find that I missed things or the author was hinting at things that I didn’t notice (or had no way of knowing) and it can be really enjoyable. Plus if a character has a really great arc and shows a lot of growth I’ve found it interesting to watch them from the beginning knowing where they end up.