Day 6: Wait for It

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • Code block support is not fully rolled out yet but likely will be in the middle of the event. Try to share solutions as both code blocks and using something such as , pastebin, or github (code blocks to future proof it for when 0.19 comes out and since code blocks currently function in some apps and some instances as well if they are running a 0.19 beta)


    11 months ago


    I spent a lot more time than necessary optimizing the count-ways-to-beat function, but I’m happy with the result. This is my first time using the | operator to flatten a list into function arguments.

    edit: unfortunately, the lemmy web page is unable to properly display the source code in a code block. It doesn’t display text enclosed in pointy brackets <>, perhaps it looks too much like HTML. View code on github.

    use v6;
    sub MAIN($input) {
        my $file = open $input;
        grammar Records {
            token TOP {  "\n"  "\n"* }
            token times { "Time:" \s* +%\s+ }
            token distances { "Distance:" \s* +%\s+ }
            token num { \d+ }
        my $records = Records.parse($file.slurp);
        my $part-one-solution = 1;
        for $records».Int Z $records».Int -> $record {
            $part-one-solution *= count-ways-to-beat(|$record);
        say "part 1: $part-one-solution";
        my $kerned-time = $records.join.Int;
        my $kerned-distance = $records.join.Int;
        my $part-two-solution = count-ways-to-beat($kerned-time, $kerned-distance);
        say "part 2: $part-two-solution";
    sub count-ways-to-beat($time, $record-distance) {
        # time = button + go
        # distance = go * button
        # 0 = go^2 - time * go + distance
        # go = (time +/- sqrt(time**2 - 4*distance))/2
        # don't think too hard:
        # if odd t then t/2 = x.5,
        #   so sqrt(t**2-4*d)/2 = 2.3 => result = 4
        #   and sqrt(t**2-4*d)/2 = 2.5 => result = 6
        #   therefore result = 2 * (sqrt(t**2-4*d)/2 + 1/2).floor
        # even t then t/2 = x.0
        #   so sqrt(t^2-4*d)/2 = 2.x => result = 4 + 1(shared) = 5
        #   therefore result = 2 * (sqrt(t^2-4*d)/2).floor + 1
        # therefore result = 2 * ((sqrt(t**2-4*d)+t%2)/2).floor + 1 - t%2
        # Note: sqrt produces a Num, so perhaps the result could be off by 1 or 2,
        #       but it solved my AoC inputs correctly 😃.
        my $required-distance = $record-distance + 1;
        return 2 * ((sqrt($time**2 - 4*$required-distance) + $time%2)/2).floor + 1 - $time%2;