Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know about a little change we are making in how we mod.
As you may or may not know, the mod tools are sparse, for the time being, at least. So we only have a few options.
That’s why we will be rolling out a new thing from this point forward. Call it a 3 strikes rule if you like.
This is meant to be an inclusive and friendly community. We work hard to keep it that way. There appears to be an uptick in issues with breaking Rule 5. In case you are unfamiliar, that’s the be respectful rule.
In light of this, we have chosen to implement a system where the first offense of the rules (any rules) will be given a chance to reword or remove the offense. The next offense receives a 3 day ban. The third offense (again, any rules) receives a week ban. The last offense is a permanent ban.
Your community is what you make it. If you aren’t safe here, we aren’t doing our jobs as mods and as members of the community. We all need to work together to keep this place safe for ourselves. That is why Rule 5, in particular, is so important.
Please, think about what you are saying before you post. There is a human on the other side of that screen, and just because you are anonymous doesn’t mean what you say has no impact. Everyone has bad days, but we don’t need to take them out on each other.
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
E: Updated to reflect the nature of those in the community. Thanks for the input!
Thanks for updating that first offense rule. I’m sure we’re all bound to trip over it at least once.