tl;dr why do my org links not have a space before them (e.g. check out thisLINK)? I feel I’m missing something very basic here.

I was using org-roam today in doom emacs and forgot how irritating adding a new node is while writing.

It nestles nicely up to the text before it - with no space in between. After posting on r/orgroam a kind soul told me this might be a wider issue - at least related to org itself, and maybe doom.

Does anyone know how to get a leading space before the node name / link? For example; my nodes come out looking like:

something interesting is in thisNODENAME/LINK check it out

For the love of RMS I want a space between this and NODENAME

I’m clearly being dumb, but can’t figure this out. Surely enough people use emacs / doom emacs / org mode, and they are not all adding links everywhere with no leading space?

A suggestion on r/orgroam was put a double space before a link - is that it?

  • wonko7@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Inserting stuff from normal mode ends up before the cursor, which is not what I want if I just typed text ending with a space character, I want it after. I’ve been using this for a bunch of insert functions:

    (defmacro my/insert-after-space (&rest fs)
            (lambda (f)
              ;; If in evil normal mode and cursor is on a whitespace
              ;; character, then go into append mode first before inserting
              ;; the link. This is to put the link after the space rather
              ;; than before.
              `(defadvice ,f (around append-if-in-evil-normal-mode activate compile)
                 (let ((is-in-evil-normal-mode (and (bound-and-true-p evil-mode)
                                                    (not (bound-and-true-p
                                                    (looking-at "[[:blank:]]"))))
                   (if (not is-in-evil-normal-mode)
                     (evil-append 0)
    (my/insert-after-space org-roam-node-insert