I’ve been looking for methods to improve Emacs performance especially with my configuration being over >3k. I’m not particularly interested in startup-time since I never close Emacs. Here’s what I found so far

(setq package-native-compile                            t
      gcmh-high-cons-threshold                          100000000
      gc-cons-threshold                                 100000000
      scroll-conservatively                             101
      jit-lock-defer-time                               0
      large-file-warning-threshold                      nil)

(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'(lambda () (setq gc-cons-threshold (* 100 1000 1000))))
(defvar gc-timer nil)
(defun salih/maybe-gc ()
  (let ((original gc-cons-threshold))
    (setq gc-cons-threshold 800000)
    (setq gc-cons-threshold original
          gc-timer (run-with-timer 2 nil #'salih/schedule-maybe-gc))))

(defun salih/schedule-maybe-gc ()
  (setq gc-timer (run-with-idle-timer 2 nil #'salih/maybe-gc)))


I can tell that I’ve noticed some improvements.

  • R3D3-1@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    For me, the main issue was startup speed from my customizations. This I sped up by:

    • Making use of emacsclient over new emacs sessions.
    • Combining scattered customization files into a single large emacs.el file.
    • Use defvar and autoload over require, load, eval-after-load.

    The last one is mostly to allow compiler- and flycheck warnings to work, without prematurely loading dependencies of my customization code.