From what i see still did not decided our stance

    1 year ago

    I look towards the experts to try and form my opinion here, as I am not one.

    Our stance: We have been advocating for interoperability between platforms for years. The biggest hurdle to users switching platforms when those platforms become exploitative is the lock-in of the social graph, the fact that switching platforms means abandoning everyone you know and who knows you. The fact that large platforms are adopting ActivityPub is not only validation of the movement towards decentralized social media, but a path forward for people locked into these platforms to switch to better providers. Which in turn, puts pressure on such platforms to provide better, less exploitative services. This is a clear victory for our cause, hopefully one of many to come.

    I see that full blog as a “threads is good for the fediverse”. I only look at and interact with local on this instance, but am generically against jumping to defederation because “no like”.

      1 year ago


      We can defederate at any point, and I think it’s too early to say federating would definitely cause harm to our community. I’d prefer to see how things go, keeping our hands close to big red “defederate” button.

        1 year ago

        So what’s the tipping point?

        Not during “Embrace”, obviously. This is the phase where their sheep’s clothing is pretty intact, they’re adding code and investment to the public repos and keeping theirs “mostly” in sync with some minor interop problems but “only because Lemmy isn’t Meta and those issues aren’t important”.

        Not during the first part of “Extend”, either. “These are features that only Meta users could use anyway”.

        The second phase of Extend is a lot more insidious. The stitching between the fleece parts is starting to wear. The minor incompatibilities are starting to look a bit less minor. “You wouldn’t defederate for those would you? Look at all this other amazing stuff we’ve given you. We totally promise pinky swear no our fingers aren’t crossed behind our backs to fix them” and yet despite their vast dev resources they never somehow quite manage to resolve them “satisfactorily” and “we’re still working on them”.

        Then while we’re still being all hopeful and reassured it’s all OK, the third E switch is thrown. The fleeces drop off revealing the slavering wolf. The ads now clutter Lemmy and overwhelm the content like they do on Facebook. The previously optional subscriptions now paywall off everything but the most basic features. Zuck phones Slarti and buys a new planet. Now do we defederate? Oh we can’t. Everything breaks. Dammit we should have listened to VaxHacker and given them the boot at the start.

        The reason we give them the boot now is because we know their plan. Zuck is here because he wants money. He’s not interested in fede-wotsit. Lemmy? Isn’t he that Motorhead guy? EEE has begun. The sooner we kill it the easier it’ll be. “We can give it up at any time” - yeah, like those druggies and alcoholics that somehow never quite manage to. The best way to get off drugs is to not get on them in the first place.

      1 year ago

      It still blows my mind how this is still a question and not a default “no.”

      If you’re here on Lemmy, odds are you don’t like walled gardens, and would rather roam free on the vast open plains.

      If Threads federates, Meta’s basically giving its users a path out of its walled garden, into the free world.

      If we, as the natives of that free world, say “Everybody defederate with Threads,” we’re just building our own wall around Meta in response to the walled garden opening its gates.

      If we want people to roam wild and free in the fediverse, and we don’t like walled gardens, how does it make any sense for us to respond to one of the world’s walled gardens letting its people out by building our own wall to keep them in?