As the title says, I found a recurring smudge in my photos when I was editing this one. You can see the smudge in the middle of the photo.

At first I thought it was on the outside of the lens, so I cleaned it off. Still there.

I ran the “clean image sensor” program on the camera. Still there.

So I detached the lens from my camera body and when looking through it with the aperture wide open, I could see the particle that was causing the smudges.

I then took a photo of a white wall with the flash on at the widest aperture setting I could (f/36) which I will be posting at the bottom of this post body. There the middle smudge and a smaller smudge in the lower left can be seen.

Is there anything I can do to resolve this? I can see there are 3 screws at the camera side of the lens that I might be able to unscrew, but I have no idea what’s inside or how complex it would be to pick apart. It wouldn’t surprise me if I just introduced more dirt by opening it up.

The smudge is very visible at any aperture setting greater than about f/6.

I appreciate any feedback.

Photo of a white wall:

  • hankeOP
    10 months ago

    Yeah, you were all right. I just managed to get to my sensor for real this time and can see the spec of dust on there. Previously I think I was just looking at the mirror… Does it show that I’m a newbie? haha.

    Well, I tried to blow the dust spec away with a blower thingy, but that didn’t work. Considered using compressed air, but the internet said not to. So now I’ve ordered a sensor cleaning kit.

    Thank you all for your help.

      10 months ago

      Glad you got to the bottom of it! Good luck cleaning the sensor. Patience will get it done.

      10 months ago

      Happy to hear you found the problem

      After a hike I noticed some weirdness when taking pictures, turns out when I swapped lenses on the hike I trapped a mosquito between the lens and the sensor

      Good news is it just fell out when I tipped the camera

      Bad news is now I’m paranoid about there still being bits in there