• 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It might be a regional thing? I live in a Town known for its Technical University, so most of the people on Tinder are socially awkward and tech literate 18-25 y/os who either don’t like going to noisy places like bars, clubs etc. or just prefer texting first before committing time to a date (free time is kind of hard to make as a student here).

    My own reason was more on the autistic side, as I do NOT recognize flirting unless it is specifically stated. So having an app where both parties can state “hey, we’re talking with romantic intentions here!!” was the best solution ever haha (I met my husband within 30mins of installing the app 🤷)

  • Yooo me too! Moths freak me out more, but butterflies are pretty close. I usually just hide under a big blanket whenever a moth makes it into my apartment and let my husband handle it, but he recently moved out for work. I only cry a little bit when I have to confront them myself 😎

    I also can’t stand Jellyfish to such a degree that I refuse to go into any open water. Even stuff like lakes and Rivers, which probably don’t have Jellyfish, but the idea just freaks me out too much.