DyingOfDeBordom [none/use name]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • ugh doing laundry at 9pm at night when I just want to not, because otherwise I’d have to do it tuesday after seeing my friend

    the laundry room attached to my building still isn’t fucking open! like they said it was! The machines are all in there and hooked up and shit but since last talking to them and getting the code to get in they seem to have started using the room for fucking storage. I saw boxes and boxes of tenant records and shit dating back to 2006

    they said the “machines aren’t connected to the internet” so you can’t pay

    and you know what? idk, set the machines up to work for fucking free then while you get it figured out because the laundry room has been closed for 7 fucking months

  • Can you imagine how much better things would be even if we could just withhold rent for things? Like your landlord drags their ass dealing with roaches, you withhold the rent. The laundry room in your building has been fucked for 7 months with literally no communication on when it’ll reopen, you withhold the rent. your roof has collapsed and your landlord does nothing about it, you withhold the rent

    like yeah I want mao to come back and mincecraft them all but like life would be so much better for so many people if we even just had this one milquetoast fucking concession, because as it is now it’s pretty fucked that there’s nothing you can really do except move to another shithole landlord tenement (at the end of your lease, sweaty)

  • I love being told to cook for 160 people but then another 60 people show up and the chef should have expected this because the menu competes with the grill we operate downstairs so when we do burgers everybody comes upstairs instead because it’s buffet style and they can get like 5 burgers for the price of one

    Because no i didn’t have enough ready, I had to cook literally 100 more, and for some reason iv have to put cheese on them for them because idfk i guess these dumb college kids need to see it melt on the patty to want it. So it’s very labor intensive

    I feel like they need to be running burgers half price or something when we serve them upstairs because it seems really fucking stupid for me to just be getting my dick balls and ass slammed for 2 hours by myself while the grill is dead