Motorcross Enthusiast
West Virginia University (CFB and CBB)
Tennessee Titans and Nashville Predators
Elder Scrolls Online (Xbox NA)
Rocket League
Helldivers 2

  • 6 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 29th, 2024

  • You don’t necessarily need to keep the time to do it. You could just give yourself rest periods and push periods, but it’d probably be hard to keep the motivation without seeing number go up lol, at least to me. If all you get is total distance at the end, then I’d definitely just do the RPM thing. Just set a goal RPM and a rest RPM and bounce between the two as you are able to push total distance

  • When I use mine, I don’t do training like that. I end up playing Xbox or watching TV or 2-3 hours while I just pedal.

    However, when I was doing that, the bike had preset “routes” you could do where the resistance changed on it’s own, and I’d just try to keep the same pace up for the 30min-1hr I was doing. It could also do it across distances. When I wasn’t doing the preset courses, I was just setting the resistance to what felt decent, and then keeping up my RPM (usually ~100). If I was really feeling myself, I’d up the resistance a bit. If it was a bad day, I’d drop it down. The total distance at the end would change based on the resistance I used, so I could at least always tell what days were “better” and which weren’t. The motivation was just wanting to see if I could beat my previous distance.

  • Depends. Had a client pull a knife on me once, and another dragged me around the facility for an hour while he tried to break down a door to “kill” another client because he had stolen the change from a $5 Taco Bell gift card.

    The other incident being was a coworker harboring one of the fugitive kids at her house with her like…6 children while her husband was away in Nebraska for work. Randomly saw her in family court a year later while I was working another job, hopefully while her husband fights her for custody of the kids…

  • This is the same shit as before. Moskowitz offered to impeach in March this year, and they wouldn’t do it. They’ve been claiming for years that he’s done all this stuff, and he needs impeached. And then when offered a golden ticket to do so, they wavered.

    There is nothing there. And even if there is, who gives AF, arrest him. I’m not losing sleep over it. They would have done it if they had the evidence before. And now, in August, with 3 months left and 2 months basically of lame duck time, they want to impeach him? It’s a political stunt, nicely timed with the start of the DNC.

  • He was, from my limited exposure to them, a lot of fans focus going into the season. The few I know personally have been pretty heart broken with this development and it seems to be a pretty decent hit to their initial hope for the season. I also don’t know if this was just blind hope that he would start and be amazing or if they were just memeing the new rookie QB as the next Mahomes tho lol

  • Don’t get down; the specific team ones will probably be difficult for a while but my whole existence on the CFB Reddit was really game threads. Off-season was hard as a I normally wouldn’t comment much unless it was my specific team being talked about, and I’d be surprised if we even had every P4 team represented at this point. I’m hoping it turns into an opportunity to get into other team game threads and learn more about them, but I have season tickets to WVU so home games will be hard to keep up with in-thread.