Someone posted a bit ago about the super station one fpga system and i decided to preorder one. Now I’m curious, what would all of your essentials be for the playstation system?

No need to give me a whole list, but if you can share me some of your standouts and why, id appreciate it.

i’ve played very little of ps1 and didn’t even realize it was a system until the ps2 came out!

    13 hours ago

    Some additional deeper cuts:

    • Trap Gunner - because sending your friend on a trip around the entire level into a nest of bombs and mines never gets old.
    • Syphon Filter - because, how about… the taser? (The commercial is for 2, but the first one has a better taser… trust me.)
    • The Unholy War - because it‘s basically chess but with flying bladebots and chompy little toothbastards.
    • Die Hard Trilogy - because it’s 3 games and one of them is inexplicably one of the better light gun games ever made.
    • Ghost in the Shell - because find me another game where you drive a tank that climbs walls.
    • Return Fire - because if playing Capture the Flag with military vehicles while listening to classical music isn’t a good time, I don’t know what is.
    • Star Ocean: The Second Story - because an epic JRPG with 86 possible endings and dozens of different skills like Musicianship, Blacksmithing, Cooking, and Publishing most certainly is not overkill.
    • Blast Chamber - because all sports would be better if they were played in a room where you can rotate gravity.
    • Future Cop LAPD - because sometimes I’m just tired of conserving my ammo.
    • N2O: Nitrous Oxide - because 90’s techno and lasers.